Shear Blade Sharpening service and much more!

knife sharpeningShear blade sharpening by Federal Knife Inc. will save you time and money. Shear blades must be sharpened to exacting standards using special equipment capable of holding high tolerances over 20′ in length in some cases. Shear blades sharpening by Federal knife Inc. will give you the cutting and shearing performance you require. Shear Blade sharpening requires a skilled technician to ensure the perfect outcome of the final shear blade. The shear blade sharpening machine needs to be inspected and maintained to the highest levels to sharpen the shear blades to perfect operating conditions.

Some shear blade sharpening is done on radial sharpening machines and some shear blade sharpening is done on horizontal shear blade sharpening machines. The grinding grain will show which type of shear blade sharpening machine was used. Both types of shear blade sharpening machines have their unique applications depending on the shearing application.

Federal Knife Inc. also stocks and supplies new squaring shear blades to fit all popular machines. We can manufacture specials in the shortest lead times. Federal Knife Inc. has been the shear blade expert for over 25 years. You can trust our quality and service. We are offering a free sharpening for a set of your blades with each new shear blade set purchase.

Federal Knife Inc. guarantees to beat any competitor’s quoted price for new replacement shear blades by 5% or more. Please contact us today for your best price quote.

Federal Knife Inc. can handle blades up to 20′ in length with our shear blade sharpening equipment. call one of our shear blade sharpening specialists today at 800-235-6433 or email  .